Thank you
You are right i had posted same question on JBossForum also.
I tried to follow all the steps what JbossReference Guide has given.
Here i have one small clarification.
We are using Pluto Portlet api to create portlet application,like
servlet api.
and once we done with application development we need to deploy it on JBossPortal server.
Now i am clear with confusion what i had about container. i.e. JBossPortal itself in Portlet container.
But still i m facing problem in running my sample application in JBossPortal
few of my question in
1 what should be url to call portlet application?
is it something like
http://localhost:8080/portal/helloworld For this and many other issue if i can get JBossPortal sample
application.as they have mentioned in their referencguide ,
it can help me
I tried that link but it is not giving that sample application and if you drill down to that link it want end in any such sample war file.
so now i m looking for that sample application or any simple application which in deployed in JBossPortal and it is in working condition.
if anyone has any such application which is in working condition on JBossPortal
please mail me on
[email protected]