When I try to install Portal Toolkit in WSAD 5.1.2, it asks for 3 installations, ie, Portal Toolkit, Portal Server
Test Environment 5.0, and Portal Server Test Environment 4.2.
I am able to install Portal Toolkit and Portal Server Test Environment 4.2.
But when I install 5.0 Test Env., when the installation progress reaches some 19%, it suddenly fails with the error message somewhat like "Installation failed. See the log for details".
When I checked "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\Application Developer\v5.1.2\PortalToolkit\log\TkWpsInst.log", its written as follows:
---- EOF
---- C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\APPLIC~1\V51~1.2\runtimes\portal_v50\log\SystemOut.log
The system cannot find the file specified.
---- EOF
-------- WPS50 Install End. (Error) Tue 06/13/2006 16:26:31.77 --------
Please suggest on what to be done for fixing this. Thanks in advance...