Portlets with struts - a powerful combination.
Just for reference, I have a free, multimedia CBT tutorial on creating a Struts Portlet, and one creating a
JSF portlet, using the Apache Portlet Bridge.
Free JSF Portlet and Struts Portlet Tutorials (And other JSR-168 Portlet API Stuff Too!) I use the JetSpeed Brigde, simply because it's more egalitarian, but the steps are practically the same for JBoss or GridSphere or Vignette or the Cocoon portal - you just have to plug in the appropriate portlet bridge from apache.
Portal Bridges for JetSpeed JBoss GridSphere Vignette StringBeans and Cocoon Portal Servers So, you really just need to know the basic rules for Struts development, be careful with your struts forwards and stuff, cuz there are certain rules for struts portlets, and use the appropriate bridge.
By the way, it seems to me that the real direction from Sun, IBM, and the people that work on the Portlet API is to integrate JSF with the Portlet spec, as opposed to Struts. I love Struts, and have always been a big fan, but you have to be aware of where the industry is moving, and I am now recommending to all of my clients, which are very heavy on the WebSphere Portal Server side, to embrace the JSF framework, and minimize their exposure to Struts within a portlet framework.
-Cameron McKenzie