I have two comments about your Javascript code, although I am certainly not an expert.
First, in you createXMLHttpRequest function, the preferred method of creating a XMLHttpRequest is
new XMLHttpRequest before the use of the new ActiveXObject.
Secondly, quoting
Head Rush Ajax on page 183, "Using the
innerHTML property is
not a good way to get and set the contents of an element.
It's not part of the DOM specification, and the W3C has deprecated it - future versions of browsers may not even support it. Worse than that,
some browsers don't support it now."
I recommend that you look at the Head Rush book or any Ajax book and find better code to replace text in a DOM, instead of using the innerHTML
[ December 06, 2007: Message edited by: Bill Fly ]
[ December 06, 2007: Message edited by: Bill Fly ]
[ December 06, 2007: Message edited by: Bill Fly ]
[ December 06, 2007: Message edited by: Bill Fly ]