I have few questions,
I am using Liferay Portal for development Question: Where is
MessageResource.propertiesfile for entering keys/values which is to be displayed after form validation fails
Desc: I want to do form validation using
struts validate() method. For this i need few things like
1) validate() method
2) entry of this in struts-congif.xml as validate=true
3) and most important the MessageResource.properties.
But i am using
So do we have all this functionalities in StrutsPortlet framework?
or is there any other method other than validate() and any other file other than MessageResource.properties to handle form validation?
And if we cannot use validate(), so how to handle form validation using Struts-Portlet framework? Thanks,
[ December 21, 2007: Message edited by: Saurabh Joshi ]