>> I have created a portlet and specified the portlet preferences in portlet.xml file ,and there are no values set for these preferences.
So, no values are to be read from the portlet.xml file? So when the portlet loads, nothing should be initialized to any default values.
/// we declare the portlet preferences in portlet.xml and because the values are to be loaded from a DB by a bean , we do not hard-code it but instead use the PortletPreferences object in doView() to change it.
we have the code for pulling the values from the DB and assigning it to the preferences, but for some reason , the values doesnt show up , when the portal page is rendered for the first time. >>i am expecting the portlet with the portlet preferences loaded from the bean table
I guess this is a different portal than JetSpeed/Pluto/WebSphere, because I have no idea what a bean table is? Sorry.
/// its jsr168 portlet,its just a regular java bean class(model) which access the DB and populate the values >>I click on the edit view link and just click the save button without ANY changes
So, it sounds like the initialization of these portlet preferences are happening during the action processing phase. So, the portal page renders the first time, or you go to the edit page, only doView and doEdit are being triggered. But on clicking of the button, sounds like you are triggering your even processing phase, and that's where preferences are being loaded.
// you are right i see the pref are read and the values are updated and stored in the processAction(),
So how do we migrate it to the doView()??
Cameron please suggest Correct me on any incorrect assumptions I've made, and perhaps I can be of more help.
Best luck. I know how frustrating these portlet/portal problems can be to troubleshoot.
-Cameron McKenzie