question #5: The following code will print 1: int i = 1; 2: i <<= 31;<br /> 3: i >>= 31; 4: i >>= 1; 5: 6: int j = 1; 7: j >>= 31; 8: j >>= 31; 9: 10: System.out.println("i = " +i ); 11: System.out.println("j = " +j); A) i = 1 j = 1 B) i = -1 j = 1 C) i = 1 j = -1 D) i = -1 j = 0 why the answer is D? thanks in advance . I think i should be 0.
1: int i = 1; i is 1 2: i <<= 31; i is -1 (since the leftmost bit is 1)<br /> 3: i >>= 31; i is again 1 4: i >>= 1; i is -1, because the shift operation keeps the sign of the number (as opposed to >>>) Alex
int i = 1; i = "00000000000000000000000000000001" i<<=31; i = "10000000000000000000000000000000"<br /> i>>=31; i = "11111111111111111111111111111111" i>>=1; i = "11111111111111111111111111111111" so the result of i should be -1, (2's complement of 00000000000000000000000000000001 ) wei
I made a mistake in my earlier post. Wei's absolutely right. But the point is your confusion stems from the fact that >> operator inserts 0 or 1 as the leftmost bit depending on the sign of the operand (in this case negative, so it fills in with 1's). Alex
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