Hi frieinds,
i have a small trouble..while dealing with URLConnection..classes
I will first give u a very brief overview of my prog's functionality..
we all have so may forms on the
WWW..some use the method "POST" and some use "GET" to send the data back to the server..
(the forms may be simple mail related stuff to search engines..i am interested in search engine forms..)
now..i we want to query a search engine ..
"using my
java APplication"
1.if the engine's form uses the method "GET".i can always observe the query
string that gets displayed in the browser url box time to time and then employ the same to do my work.
2.(MAIN question********)
how to query the engine if it uses the method "POST"??
i know that we can get the input and output streams once the urlconnection is establised..but when i am writing to the outputstream..nothing is working...
kindly throw some light on this issue at your earliest convenience..