Hi guys,
I've Googled around for an answer on this one, and searched the message history here, but can't find anything that helps...I'm hoping this should be a fairly simple question...or at least one with a fairly simple answer
My question: how do I do proxy authentication? The examples I've seen do something like this:
When I try this, I get the following headers printed out:
OK, I get code 407 back...I'm unauthorised. If I remove the lines that add the authentication header, I get the exact same info back, so obviously my authentication is whack.
Does anyone have any pointers from here? I'm entirely unsure of where to go so I'm open to any help, but some more specific questions are:
1- I need to use Kerberos authentication...right? Where can I read up on this? Google was no help again...
2- What is http.proxyType 4? Most examples on the net set this, but no-one says what the 4th proxyType is, nor what the other three are. Does this mean basic authentication? If it does, I probably need to set it to something else.
[ April 15, 2004: Message edited by: Tim West ]
[ April 15, 2004: Message edited by: Tim West ]