I made a little chat server that clients connect to and are then able to chat with the other clients. I am using sockets to do so and it works when I run the server on my computer and start a client on a different virtual machince and connect to either the loopback( or my public ip address.
Now I had my friend try this, I sent him the client in .jar form he ran the file and got connected but he couldn�t see his messages or the ones I sent although I saw my messages and his! The server recorded both our messages, but my friend saw nothing on the chat screen.
I tried the jar file myself and the same happent to me, I could not see what I wrote! Only when I run the client�s class file with the
java command am I able to see the messages in the chat room.
I had my friend then do that i.e run the class file instead of the jar file, but then he was unable to connect!
So I have two questions really, why is my friend unable to connect to the server when running the class file via java command when he�s able through the jar file?
And second, why does the chatroom text not appear when the client program is bundled into a jar? The text appears in a JTextArea component.