Originally posted by Parth Sagdeo:
I'm interested in making a program to log into yahoo.com and check my various stock portfolios. I already know how to access static web pages in Java, but this poses a unique challenge because it requires cookies and it uses SSH authentication (the https protocol). Does anyone have any tips on how I can get this to work, or know any helpful resources? I believe YPOPs (YPOPs does something similar (log in to Yahoo programatically), but their forums are pretty much dead. My biggest question right now is how I might accept cookies in Java so I can move around yahoo in a logged in state. Any ideas?
Yahoo exposes mail and a few other of their services via Web services, but sadly for you, they have not yet exposed services to access user portfolios. If they would have done that, then it would have been very easy for you.
I am not sure, how easy it will be to access your protfolios simulating browser requests, as this is the first thing yahoo would have considered to secure the web access. But, yeah thats just a thought.