but this sentence ftp for transferring files between diffrent hosts, confusing me, because smtp also used for same perpose.
when a request is made for a file over a web then at which point http used? at which point tcp/ip used ? at which point ftp used?
SMTP is for sending mail, not for transferring files. Files can be included in mails as attachments, but that's not its primary purpose. You can't somehow transfer files over SMTP without sending mail.
There are many ways (using various protocols) to transfer files over the internet, but if you say "web", it is commonly understood to mean HTTP. Most web browsers also support FTP, so it's possible to use them to download files from "ftp://" URLs as well as "http://" URLs. Both HTTP and FTP use TCP as a foundation, which in turn is built on top of IP.
which which one is used for transferring files, http or ftp? or both? or it dipends on the size of files data?
i tried to open the following page using URL ftp://www.orkut.com but IE 7.0 couldn't open this page
well, i have also seen about TCP Vs UDP. do it comes under TCP/IP. ok, i know how TCP is related with http and ftp but dont know how UDP? what is it used for? and moreover how IP is related with all of these.
www.orkut.com is a web server, not an ftp server. The protocols are not interchangeable - while it's possible to do some file transfers over HTTP (within limits), FTP can't be used to access web sites.
when a request is made over a network then, since the request is being passing down (from application to physical) across each layer, it uses diffrent protocols(http,ftp,tcp,udp etc dipends on circumstances) those are specific to a particular layer, right?
can we define any protocol(http or ftp) for a webserver according to requirement?
in which case ftp is defined and in which http?
do all the protocols(at each layer) are used automaticaly according to their requirements by a request? or is it predifined context?
Originally posted by Nidhi Nagre:
when we are talking about, like http has port 80, ftp has port 21, then what does this mean.
where the ports are available and how http ftp works on these ports?
how clients uses a port number to communicae to a host?
is the port is logical entity or a physical entity?
[ November 27, 2007: Message edited by: Nidhi Nagre ]
Originally posted by Jignesh Patel:
My understanding is ports are physical entity. Client will identiy they machine my their URL which in turns maps to their IP. Now for that machine if it is a HTTP request then it is redirect to the http listener at port 80.
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