Hello sirin,
The procedure is same as I told you in my earlier post.
You can do one thing,first book your own voucher at Pometric Center (it will take at least 15 days to come), in the mean time just do a request to the Pometric Center's authorised person that they will give you permission to give exam on monday using some other person's(who is supposed to give exam at least after one month) voucher.All the orignal vouchers are with them. They only give a receipt to student.
The voucher contain no information about the student(owner).It just have a number on it which is filled in the form before giving the
Here in Chandigarh this happened with one of my freind who give test just after 3 days of booking his voucher, only they charge Rs 300/- extra as their paper fees.
I wish you get your problem solved.
Gurpreet Sachdeva
Regards<BR>Gurpreet Sachdeva<P>For Mock Exams, FAQ, Exam tips and some useful information about Bitshift operator, inner classes, garbage collection,etc please visit: <A HREF="http://www.go4java.lookscool.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">http://www.go4java.lookscool.com</A>