what is the difference between access specifiers and access modifiers.. i belive that access specifiers are ublic,private,protected and access modifiers are : static,final,abstract,volatile,transient and we can use two acess modifiers but cannot use two access specifiers together,,,,,,
hi anupam, Access specifier tells the compiler the visibility of class or instance member ,inside or outside a package.Whereas modifiers tells the kind of member created and also the memory alllocated, adding meaning to the data type. It's all I know .Hope it gives you a hint of the difference. Bindesh Vijayan.
Hi anupam, For more details about combinations of access specifier and modifier with blocks,methods,classes,variables,interfaces and constructors, please see a chart here Regards Gurpreet Sachdeva For Mock Exams and some useful information about Bitshift operator, inner classes, garbage collection,etc please visit: http://www.go4java.20m.com
Regards<BR>Gurpreet Sachdeva<P>For Mock Exams, FAQ, Exam tips and some useful information about Bitshift operator, inner classes, garbage collection,etc please visit: <A HREF="http://www.go4java.lookscool.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">http://www.go4java.lookscool.com</A>
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