here are some questions from
http://www.certification4career.com/sun/java/programmer/exam1.html but i think the answers of some ques. given on the site are wrong, so i am putting some ques. here. Some questions are also ambigious, e.g. in the first ques.(option:c), it's not clear whether it is a top-level class or an inner class; so what should we answer? In Q29 the option c can't be correct 'coz if the class is defined in a non-static method then the inner class can access any instance variable of the enclosing class but if the class is defined in a static method then the inner class can only access the static class variables of the enclosing class.
Q17.The private modifier can be applied to ...
a)A variable
b)A method
c)A class
d)All of the above
Q20.An unary operators operate on a single value
Q22.The switch() construct is used to make a choice based upon ...
a)A char value
b)An int value
String value
d)None of the above
Q23.The circumstances that can prevent execution of the code in a finally block are
a)the death of the
thread b)The use of System.exit()
c)It is always guaranteed to be executed.
Q32.Please select invalid statement(s) for a thread
a)You can restart a dead thread
b)You can't call the methods of a dead thread
c)Both of the above
d)None of the above
Q29.An inner class created inside a method can access
a)Any local variables of a method that contain an inner class.
b)Any instance variables of the enclosing class
c)Any final variables of the enclosing class or a method that contain an inner class.
d)None of the above
(fixed link)
[This message has been edited by Marilyn deQueiroz (edited September 06, 2001).]