Current status: Still no solution.
We have tried to get the example working in 1.4 and 1.5, but the error is the same. (i.e. Access denied to the classloader).
This is our file structure:
|- server (contains ClassFileServer and ClassServer, also the batch file to run the http server)
|- serve (contains all of the server + client code. Hello,Hello_Impl,MessageObject,RMIClient,RMIServer, and the batch file)
|- client (contains the RMIClientLoadernRMIClientBootstrapSecurityManager)
Also here are my batch files:
Batch for the HTTP Server:
Batch for the RMI Server :
And finally the client bootstrap program:
Now, for my policy files:
C:\\java.policy (basically just modified the JDK's policy file)
We have just about tried everything we can think of. Can anyone help us?