posted 18 years ago
Hi All,
I am getting following Exception when trying to get JMX connection to WAS 6.0 using SUN client
Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectIOException: non-JRMP server at remote endpoint]
service url i am using is as follows
8880 was SOAPConnector port previously on WAS 6.0 but i changed the settings in WAS 6.0 to not to use SOAPConnector and instead use RMIConnector,so i hope RMIConnector will also be usign port 8880,
anyways i am using JMXConnector to create connectionr emotely, so i dont think SOAPCOnnector or RMIConnector on WAS 6.0 matters that much.
please help me with this.
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