My thanks to somebody who can shoot this; I am stuck.
Note that the rmi registry has started successfully; still Naming.rebind() fails to connect. Is it because the rmiregistry 1099 starts at hostname and localhost doesn't resolve to it?
hi! if u r following the steps correctly & there is no version problem for ur rmic i.e. rmi compiler. then plz check the classpath. I faced the problem bcoz oracle9 was first in the classpath & registry for that was started. so append the previous classpath after ur jdk path. if u rusing jdk1.2 onwards u need to say rmic -v1.2 filename & then compile. may be this is 1 of the problem. These were the practical problems that u generally face.
hi, as i understand, u need to configure ur tname server embed with ur jdk n u need to start that server first. n one more thing u r implementing the corba architecture then u need to compile ur classes via usin command rmic -iiop class name.
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