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RMIRegistry on Solaris

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I have a fairly simple application, in which the RMI clients will send a string to the RMI server and it will then write it into a txt file. Everything went pretty well until all of a sudden, the terminal that I started the rmiregistry crashed.

segmentation fault

Any idea why? Will it be related to the number of clients connecting to the server?

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segmentation fault

Its problem with Sun JDK
look at
John Ip
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That bug is on JDK 1.2 but mine is 1.5
John Ip
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When the rmiregistry crashed, it has a core dump. And I run pstack and get the following,

----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 --------------------
fe1cfceb __lwp_park (fef436e8, fef436fc, 0) + b
fe1ca571 cond_wait_queue (fef436e8, fef436fc, 0, 0) + 3b
fe1caa6a _cond_wait (fef436e8, fef436fc) + 66
fe1caaac cond_wait (fef436e8, fef436fc) + 21
fe1caae5 pthread_cond_wait (fef436e8, fef436fc, 808e39c, fe9c87da) + 1b
fe9c8820 _Z14_Jv_ThreadWaitv (fe79ec78, 1, 80b2fa8, feb4b3dc, 8046fe4, 8047154) + 50
fe79ebd3 _Z11_Jv_RunMainPN4java4lang5ClassEPKciPS4_b (8060a10, 0, 1, 8047028, 0, 0) + 133
fe79ec78 JvRunMain (8060a10, 1, 8047028, fe1525b1, 29, fe1fecd8) + 28
08050832 main (1, 8047028, 8047030) + 26
08050725 _start (1, 80471bc, 0, 80471c8, 804721b, 8047229) + 5d
----------------- lwp# 2 / thread# 2 --------------------
fe1d09f7 __lwp_wait (0, fe0b9f88) + 7
fe1ccc4a _thrp_join (0, fe0b9fc4, fe0b9fc8, 1) + 5a
fe1ccd8c thr_join (0, fe0b9fc4, fe0b9fc8, 0, fe0b9fc8, d8) + 20
fe9d7bfd GC_thr_daemon (0) + 2d
fe1cf9ae _thr_setup (fef72400) + 4e
fe1cfc90 _lwp_start (fef72400, 0, 0, fe0b9ff8, fe1cfc90, fef72400)
----------------- lwp# 3 / thread# 3 --------------------
00000000 ??? (0, feb4b3dc, 820df98, fe7bb28b, feb4b3dc, feffce68)
fe9c7ad6 _Z17_Jv_RunFinalizersv (feb4b3dc, feffce68, fef31fa0, feb4b3dc, 80afd70, 0) + 16
fe7bb28b _ZN3gnu3gcj7runtime15FinalizerThread3runEv (80afd70, 0, 820dfb8, fe7cce3b) + eb
fe7cce46 _Z13_Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE (80afd70, 0, fdf90000, fe1f8000, fe1f8000, fdf90000) + 26
fe9c863a _Z12really_startPv (80d2ff8) + 2a
fe1cf9ae _thr_setup (fdf90000) + 4e
fe1cfc90 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 4 / thread# 4 --------------------
fe1d00c7 _so_accept (8, 8381e60, 8381dd4, 821ce10) + 7
fe7bdb7b _ZN3gnu4java3net15PlainSocketImpl6acceptEPS2_ (821ce10, 821ca50, feffc070, 1, 0, feb4b3dc) + 5b
fe87f7b8 _ZN3gnu4java3net15PlainSocketImpl6acceptEPN4java3net10SocketImplE (821ce10, 821ca50, feffce68, 3748) + 2c
fe8b1e7c _ZN4java3net12ServerSocket10implAcceptEPNS0_6SocketE (8238e80, 8238340, 8381f18, fe8b1f51, fe477de4, fe78710c) + 64
fe8b1f99 _ZN4java3net12ServerSocket6acceptEv (8238e80, fefcc1d4, feffce68, 6030, fe9055e5, 80a51f8) + 65
fe905566 _ZN3gnu4java3rmi6server24UnicastConnectionManager19getServerConnectionEv (80afb40, 0, 0, fe9055ca, 0, 0) + 2e
fe9055e5 _ZN3gnu4java3rmi6server24UnicastConnectionManager3runEv (80afb40, 0, 8381fb8, fe7e4f78) + 29
fe7e4fa1 _ZN4java4lang6Thread3runEv (80afaf0, 0, 8381fb8, fe7cce3b) + 39
fe7cce46 _Z13_Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE (80afaf0, 0, fdf90400, fe1f8000, fe1f8000, fdf90400) + 26
fe9c863a _Z12really_startPv (80d2ff0) + 2a
fe1cf9ae _thr_setup (fdf90400) + 4e
fe1cfc90 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 5 / thread# 5 --------------------
fe1d0987 _lwp_continue (fdf91000) + 7
fe1ce0d4 _thrp_continue (d9, 1) + a0
fe1ce13d thr_continue (d9) + 1a
fe1c20cd pthread_create (84a4e38, 84a4e4c, fe9c8610, 80d2ff8) + 1f8
fe9d6776 GC_pthread_create (86ef19c, 84a4ecc, fe9c8610, 80d2ff8, 5, fede2a40) + 1d6
fe9c8743 _Z15_Jv_ThreadStartPN4java4lang6ThreadEP12_Jv_Thread_tPFvS2_E (87f3fc8, 86ef198, fe7cce20, 84a4, 87f3fc8, 0) + a3
fe7ccee7 _ZN4java4lang6Thread5startEv (87f3fc8, 882cea0, 0, fe9055ca) + 47
fe90560e _ZN3gnu4java3rmi6server24UnicastConnectionManager3runEv (80afcd0, 0, 84a4fb8, fe7e4f78) + 52
fe7e4fa1 _ZN4java4lang6Thread3runEv (80afaa0, 0, 84a4fb8, fe7cce3b) + 39
fe7cce46 _Z13_Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE (80afaa0, 0, fdf90800, fe1f8000, fe1f8000, fdf90800) + 26
fe9c863a _Z12really_startPv (80d2fe8) + 2a
fe1cf9ae _thr_setup (fdf90800) + 4e
fe1cfc90 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 213 / thread# 213 --------------------
fe1d0137 _so_recv (b, 8824008, 800, 0) + 7
fe7be48d _ZN3gnu4java3net33PlainSocketImpl$SocketInputStream4readEP6JArrayIcEii (881ce38, 8824000, 0, 800, 800, feb4b3dc) + bd
fe7efe82 _ZN4java2io17FilterInputStream4readEP6JArrayIcEii (8823fe0, 8824000, 0, 800) + 2a
fe7e8652 _ZN4java2io19BufferedInputStream6refillEv (8823fe0, 87f6b80, d4e63bdf, 44154dc9) + 66
fe7e842a _ZN4java2io19BufferedInputStream4readEv (8823fe0, 8820e10, fefda49f, fe9f5ecd, 8820e60, feb4b3dc) + 3e
fe7eb747 _ZN4java2io15DataInputStream16readUnsignedByteEv (8820e80, fdf90c00, fe1f8000, feffa220) + 23
fe908449 _ZN3gnu4java3rmi6server13UnicastServer8dispatchEPNS2_17UnicastConnectionE (87de180, fdf90c00, 85c7f98, fe904945, feb4b3dc, 87de180) + 3d
fe904961 _ZN3gnu4java3rmi6server17UnicastConnection3runEv (87de180, fdf90c00, 85c7fb8, fe7e4f78) + 29
fe7e4fa1 _ZN4java4lang6Thread3runEv (87f3500, 0, 85c7fb8, fe7cce3b) + 39
fe7cce46 _Z13_Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE (87f3500, 0, fdf90c00, fe1f8000, fe1f8000, fdf90c00) + 26
fe9c863a _Z12really_startPv (80d2908) + 2a
fe1cf9ae _thr_setup (fdf90c00) + 4e
fe1cfc90 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 217 / thread# 217 --------------------
fe1cf960 _thr_setup (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Could anyone give me a clue?
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I don't think you're using the JVM you think you're using... I'm seeing a lot of gnu.java.* classes in the core dump. Do a "which java" and a "which rmiregistry" to make sure that the right versions of these are getting called... If it's pointing to Kaffe or some other location, update your PATH so the Sun 1.5 JVM comes first.
John Ip
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Hi Nate,

Good catch! This probably explained why it works fine if I start the rmiregistry programmatically. And after reading your reply, I check the configuration of my work machine. You are right I am not calling the right rmiregistry. Thanks.
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