Yohan Liyanage
Originally posted by Yohan Liyanage:
Bill is correct. The objectives of Web Services and Jini are completely different. Jini Technology is a Java-based network technology which is built on JavaSpaces (or Tuple Space) concept.
On the other hand, an XML Web Service is a web based application which can be consumed by other web applications. XML Web Services are not limited to Java Platform. Of course Java provides mechanisms to build Web Services (and its really simple with JWS), but many other languages such as .NET, PHP, .. can be used to build a web service. Web Services use XML as their medium of data transmission.
One similarity of these two is that both belong to "Distributed Computing". Both technologies provide means to distribute the work among computers, in their own way.
here I am trying to implement it using JINI technology,
1. Do clients interact only with the central server or do they have to locate each other and "talk" independently?
Ans: They must talk independently with each other using the common Service Locator. I mean to say client/consumer should not connect with provider directly, they must get the provider details from service locator but one consumer should be able to communicate with multiple providers and vice versa.
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