Hey all,
I'm not a
java programmer, I'm just an administrator for some WebSphere servers, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out.
This guy developped a Java Application which has the context-root of /SomeApp. This is the first application we are deploying using a Java Server Faces implementation. In main
JSP's he includes a couple other JSP's like such:
<jsp:include page="header.jsp" />
In this included JSP, he has html code such as:
<img src="images/appimage.jpg">
Well, now what's happening is when the page loads, it's looking for the image using the following URI:
such as:
The question is, why is it inserting "faces" into the URI? This developer claims it's a configuration issue on WebSphere and claims there's NOTHING he can do about it. He also says it works fine on his laptop, but he has fileServing enabled there, so obviously it would work.
The reason that this is an issue is that we run all of our applications with fileServing disabled, so the images, style sheets, etc, all get served up by Apache and not Websphere. In the past we've simply included Alias's in the httpd.conf for the context-root/images to point to the correct location on the filesystem, however, with this faces implementation, it apparently defaults in the web.xml so that all of context-root/faces/* goes to Websphere.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.