I must give credit to another question on the Sun
JSF Forums to punishervanka. But I have the same question and it is not being answered there and want to try here. Any information would be wonderful. And an outputLink will not work here, I don't want a cheesy work around for this.
http://forum.java.sun.com/profile.jspa?userID=450032 When I click on the link in the datatable the action method is called for all the rows in the table.
By reading the forums on this topic I thought this was the method to find out the row index in the table.
I also tried value binding datatable to UIData in the backing bean and using getRowData in the action method. then also the action method was called once for each row.
what am I doing wrong.
please help me
[Edited for code tags a to lose smilies. Gregg Bolinger]
[ May 12, 2005: Message edited by: Gregg Bolinger ]