posted 19 years ago
Hi ,
I have a datatable which displays 4 columns. Each column has a header. I use arraylist with datatable.
Here is what i want to do. When arraylist has values then datable works fine but when arraylist is null or has size 0 I still want to display column headers and a single row dispalying message "No record found".
I did following for this.
First I added this
So this will not renderer my datatable at all if list is null.
Now I add another datatable tag with
This data table will only show headers and a 'no rec found' message. But this will show message in the first column only. I want to display it as one row without any columns.(In HTML terms I want to assign colSpan=4 to display it as a row)
If any one can suggest any thing.
Thanks in advance.
[ September 07, 2005: Message edited by: Gregg Bolinger ]