I'm having what must be a simple and common problem,
but nothing I've tried has solved it. I want to be
able to refresh (reset) the inputText field values in a dataTable.
I have a dataTable that holds required inputText components.
I want to have a "cancel" button which would abandon any edits
on these components and refresh (reset) them with their backing values,
as well as removing the last row from the table (used to enter a
new record). Because the inputText components are required,
I made the cancel button immediate. I don't know what code I can
put in the button's actionListener. Right now, the displayed values
survive the round trip to the server and back to the browser, but
I want them to be reset to their backing values.
Here is the page, and the backing bean of a
test example:
If it makes a difference, my implementation of
JSF is MyFaces. Thanks!
[ October 26, 2005: Message edited by: Jeff Albrechtsen ]