I have a Data Table that's currently mapped to a ResultSet.
It displays data, but I'm not able to interact with it so I changed it to a MyFaces Data Table to see if that would allow me to click a check box and have that data saved in the updateable ResultSet (so I can determine which rows the user clicked).
To change the Core Data Table to a My Faces data table, I added the required line:
<%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t"%>
to the top of the
I added the myfaces-all.jar into the common/lib folder of
Tomcat 5.0.29.
Then I changed the "h:" to "t:" on the data table opening and closing tags.
The result?
Now, no data is displayed. No errors, no logs entries, nothing.
Is there a simple trick to display a simple ResultSet with a MyFaces data table?
Couldn't find any examples on setting up a MyFaces Data Table (the one on the Apache site is for illusturation only and doesn't include any specifics needed).
Thanks to anyone in advance!!!
-- Mike