Hello Group,
Question from a newbie to using
I am currently trying to design a UI for which I am unable to find an example. I was hoping to get your advice on how to create a datagrid client component in which one of the columns is a drop down list.
Steps I followed:
1) Created a simple bean (simpleBean.java) with 2 attributes. (Name [Type:
String] and Choice [Type:SelectItem[]])
2) Created an accessor method [public simpleBean[] getArrayofBean()]
3) In the
JSP page, I included the bean onto the page/client data sections and tried to associate the attributes of the bean with the datagrid.
I am unable to get a listbox displayed as one of the bean�s attribute in the datagrid. Instead, it displays 4 different text/Boolean columns when I try to include the selectItem[]. I�ve also tried replacing the selectItem[] attribute with the Map and still run into the same problem[i.e. only a limited set of object like String, Integer, boolean etc get accepted].
I'd appreciate any advise/hint on how to get a selectbox into a datagrid client cmoponent. Think I read a post somewhere that a custom component would help. Is that true?
My development Environment: IBM Rational Application Developer.
Thanks for taking the time to read my question,