You can go to amazon and Search there for JavaServer Faces. Choose a book with more, than 10 reviews, and average more, than 4 stars. It should be as new as possible
I have read Java Server Faces from Orielly and it was a good book with good examples. I am now reading Core JSF from Sun Press and this book is a little more in depth. The examples and code is pretty good too. I liked David Geary's Core JSTL too. I guess I am used to his style.
Originally posted by Anthony Carlos: [QB]I started with Geary's Core JSF and couldn't connect with it. I'm using Mann's JSF in Action now and it's starting to make sense.
I read both Oreilly JavaServer Faces and JavaServer Faces in Action. I found JSF In Action is more well structured than Oreilly JSF. Just my humble opinion.
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