these are some major questions.
Now, what's the relation b/w JSF and these frame works ? JSF is another framework available for
java community , but its is standard and component driven. you can find several implementation of jsf around the web. and many ready to use component with some neat IDEs like
sun java Studio Creator
Exadel Studio
that support jsf development.
Is it true that if we use JSF then we don't use struts or tapestry at all ?
yes it is true. if you use jsf you are not using Struts or Tapestry
Is it true people are more inclined to using JSF these days instead of struts or tapestry
it is more related to your knowledge / project requirement /...
i can not say that jsf is in more use than struts or anything like that.
but *i think* new commers use JSF because of its component driven nature.
what's advantage of JSF over struts and tapestry
for this question i think
you should read a series of blog that siemon Brown has written at :
Under what condition shall we use struts/tapestry over JSF, and under what condition shall we use the JSF instead of the other two ?
for this question i prefer to refere you to another web page which contain your answer.