Hi Experts
I'm new to the world of
JSF and presently playing around with Apache MyFaces Tomahawk JSF implementation.
Im trying this scenario, which will be a requirment in my project.
I have a
jsp page( main.jsp ) which contain 3 Tabs...(I have created these tabs using css) in its menu.
Now when the user clicks on any one of the tab, i want to display the content of that tab in the same page(i.e main.jsp)
Im planning to include the content of these tabs as
<jsp:include />
So in the main.jsp, i have used <t:div> tag and inside this i have placed the individual <jsp:include >
Sumthing like this...
<t:div id="tab1">
<f:subview id="opt_1">
<jsp:include page="optionsPanel.jsp"/>
<t:div id="tab2">
<f:subview id="opt_2">
<jsp:include page="optionsPanel_2.jsp"/>
<t:div id="tab3">
<f:subview id="opt_3">
<jsp:include page="optionsPanel_3.jsp"/>
So when the user clicks on any of the tabs, i'm calling a _javascript, through which i'm displaying the respective <t:div> and hiding the other two.
This is my
java script...
funtion toggleTab(sTab)
The problem is im not able to get the desired results.There is no action only.
Please guide me as to what im doing wrong and more importantly wht is the more proper approach to acheive the scenario.
Any help will be great.