selectManyListBox to add/remove user Roles
I am using
JSF (MyFaces 1.1.1) component h:selectManyListBox along with Ajax4Jsf to add/remove user Roles.
I have created page called page.jsp as follows (need help in filling the code):
. . . .
<h:panelGrid columns="4" style="">
<h:outputText value="User Roles" />
<h:selectManyListbox id="userRoles" value="#{test.selectedRoles}">
<f:selectItems value="#{test.allAvailableRoles}" />
<h:commandButton value="Add"></h:commandButton>
<h:commandButton value="Remove"></h:commandButton>
<h:outputLabel value="Device Roles" />
. . . .
It uses managed bean called
public class TestBean {
private List<SelectItem> allAvailableRoles;
String[] selectedRoles;
public List getAllAvailableRoles(){" *** In getAllAvailableRoles Backing Bean*** ");
System.out.println(" *** In getAllAvailableRoles Backing Bean*** ");
allAvailableRoles = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
List<Role> allRoles = new ArrayList<Role>();
allRoles = ( List ) deviceManager.getUserRoles(); //call to business layer to retrieve user roles from database
//System.out.println("Role Size"+allRoles.size());
//Iterate All Roles to create a SelectItem and add it to the list that will fill theSelectManyListbox
for ( Role role : allRoles ){
SelectItem item = new SelectItem();
item.setValue( ""+role.getId() );
item.setLabel( role.getName() );
allAvailableRoles.add( item );
selectedRoles = (String[])selectedRoles.toArray();
return allAvailableRoles;
public String[] getSelectedRoles() {
return selectedRoles;
public void setSelectedRoles(String[] selectedRoles) {
this.selectedRoles = selectedRoles;
I need help with the following:
1) The Layout of
JSP page has to render
User Roles (h:selectManyListBox), Add and Remove Buttons, Device Roles (h:selectManyListBox) in a single colums. I am using <h:PanelGrid columns=4> . But i wanna Remove button to display in next row of Add button
2) I am looking for sample code for adding functionality to Add/Remove Buttons.
The Add button adds the selected user roles to Device Roles whereas Remove button removes the selected user roles from Device Roles to User Roles
Thanks for your time in advance