Hey ranchers,
I'm kinda new in this technology and thats why Im reading this great book. I'm in chapter 5 and trying to run the Database example, but Glassfish keeps telling me that he can not find the Database that the CustomerBeans is looking up. I am VERY VERY noob in glassfish (how I miss you
JBoss) but since all the examples are made to work with Netbeans and Glassfish, I thought that this was a great opportunity to get to know this two products. (I normally work with Eclipse and JBoss).
Anyway ... when I saw the lookup to the databse in the CustomerBean class, I thought (I hoped) that this database was like HiperSonic in JBoss, I mean, that it comes inside the AS, but the NameNotBound exception is telling that Glassfish can not find the database.
Here is the lookup I'm telling you:
DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/mydb");
Could anyone tell me if I have to deploy the DB descriptor (and install a DB in my pc), and if so ,,, where should I put the descriptor (where is the JBoss_Root\server\default\deploy directory in Glassfish ??) ??
Thanks ranchers,