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Why can't JSF calls method with parameter?

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
I have error when trying to execute a simple function. Let's just said I have following method in my backing bean

When I call the method from my JSF, using this code :

It displays following error:

foo must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified

Well, I found a link in google. I suppose this will also happen using non-JSF EL in standard JSP page. The problem is how can I fix this in JSF (or JSP) EL?

Does JSF (or JSP) does not support parameterized method?? Why??
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
doesn't support =(

BUT JBOSS SEAM SUPPORTS! exactly like your code ;D

I think you are using a default JSF Implementation, so, in fact myfaces, RI, Rave, ADF , IceFaces and so on really don't support it

there are two ways to you send parameters to your backing bean

your component

your backing bean

the second way is using a f:param to send a parameter to your backingbean by request. The main difference of the last way is because this second way can pass parameters when you are calling a action method and not only a actionListener method(I MUST CONFIRM, I DON'T REALLY remember if this affirmation is true hahaha, so you can try and tell us if this way works calling an action :P)

your component:

your backing bean:

did you understand how it works?

I hope so

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it works..
thanks for your help
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I tried the first option of Leonardo's response (using attributes) and I got a null pointer exception. Is there any reason this should occur?
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Originally posted by Ian Dunsirn:

I tried the first option of Leonardo's response (using attributes) and I got a null pointer exception. Is there any reason this should occur?

Did you just copy and paste, because in his first one there is a spelling error in the get. Should be "attribute" but is showing "attybute" in the post above.

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No copy and paste at all.
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
That's dangerous. What if the param value is null? Just cast the value to String.

You may find this article useful too:
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f:param works only on h:commandLink and h:outputLink:
<h:commandLink value="Hello" actionListener="#{reservationAction.getParam}">
<f:param name="myParam" value="hello" />

public void getParam( ActionEvent e ) {
String myParam = ""+FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("myParam");
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Was it really needed to resurrect an old, dead and already answered topic?
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