Have a look at the example
This has the source code for
java and jsp.
The example given is for dynamic number of columns. You may extend this example in conjunction with a dataList component to get the dynamic tables with dynamic columns.
Actually if you do not need dynamic columns, the solution is simple with no need of t:columns complexity:
In your backing bean, make a list of all result sets(table data). In your jsp, use t:dataList (or even h:datatable I think) to loop through that list and display each result set in a h:dataTable.
You may also consider using a simple class to hold each table description and its resultSet and making a list of these objects instead of list of result sets. In your jsp you can now display the table description also.
The above code is from
Lets say each country object has a name and datatable of states. Then,
the code in bold font can be something like this:
Hope this helps..
[ October 09, 2007: Message edited by: A. Dusi ]