Originally posted by sridhar.in.forums:
hi to all. I want to do certification on JSF. so, Please let me know the information regarding certification on JSF.
thank you one and all.
Originally posted by Bryan Basham:
I can tell you that Sun Microsystems does not have a certification on JSF currently; however, I have recommended that they incorporate some JSF topics into Sun's SCWCD exam.
SCJP 5 (90%)
Originally posted by Anirudh Vyas:
I don't understand why JSF has to be on the list of certification at all. Personally, I'd like to see JSF turn into Wicket Framework.
Currently just about everything in JSF is a nightmare.
SCJP 5 (90%)
Originally posted by Anirudh Vyas:
And no, i don't think anything is fixed in JSF dude, Just take a look at spec 1.2 you would know what i am talking about.
Phases, are not aligned for one.
Components customization is a nightmare in jsf.
Then its JSP used in JSF. I think JSP is a straight violation of MVC design pattern. JSP can contain blah blah logic
SCJP 5 (90%)
Originally posted by Arjan Times:
You are -so- not getting it. Like I said above, JSP is -a- method to construct a tree out of a set of components. Nothing stops you at creating this tree in pure Java. And guess what things you can do in pure Java? Do business logic... According to you, there almost can't be an MVC design pattern.
If you're doing a Java, C++, C#, whatever client side application, the view layer is typically composed using that language; e.g. JButton someButton = new JButton(); somePanel.addWidget(someButton); You know the drill. Now -that's- MVC as pure as it can get.
Yet, this way of working theoretically allows you to mix business logic (not just logic, but business logic) in your view layer. You would be stupid to do so, but it's possible.
Nevertheless, JSP itself does not violate the MVC pattern. Namely, this pattern does not exclude the use of logic in the view. It's actually perfectly legal to use logic; RENDER logic.
Originally posted by Anirudh Vyas:
Why the hell do i need "ANYTHING ELSE" on my HTML page or display or markup other than HTML, or may be CSS or java script logic ? WHY? (I don't intend to in Wicket).
Logic is violation of View for me. You know that its a fact. I live in a practical world where this happens more often than you'd like to believe. REALITY CHECK, hello?!
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