Hi Darryl yes i have tried a java script also but the thing is when i add rows to the datatable each row generates its own id to hence doesnt work instead works when i hardcode "i" where i= the row integer
You got me there. I'm not so sure I understand exactly what you want to do though. you have a dataTable. It has lots of rows. A user can change values across all the rows in the dataTable, and when he/she submits the form, the entire dataTable needs to be validated. And you want this done with popUps...? Is that correct?
You may want to trigger the javascript popup 'onblur' for each field (popup when they leave the field if it is blank). Might be kind of annoying though.
If you do it on form submit (onclick), then you will get 1 popup if there are ANY empty fields...I would guess.
Another more subtle thing you can do is use cascading style sheet to turn he field red if it is blank (onblur). That will altert them in a subtle way in real time that there is something wrong.
hi BoB thanks for the reply but then if i have to use a popup then what can i do because the java script demands a dyanamic rowindex value which i am unable to provide..