Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Originally posted by sathishgopal gopal:
I need Faces Context object in my Servlet. The actual job of creating the FacesContext is done by the FacesServlet.
My Applet opens a connection to talk to the Servlet. This Servlet fetchs the backing bean object from the HttpSession. Then i invoke a method in the reterived Backing bean object. I need to bind FacesContext object for this request. I copied the code from FacesServlet (for creating FacesContext via FacesContextFactory) to my Servlet, it works. There must be some other way to do this.
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
The obvious way to solve this is to make the backing bean independent of the view technology. That's how you design backing beans to begin with.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Originally posted by sathishgopal gopal:
Yes i need it because my backing bean gets some Value from the HttpSession like..
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