Originally posted by Loren Rosen:
Not sure what you're asking. Do you want to map the schema you describe using Hibernate?
Thanks Loren for your reply.
Ya, I want to map the schema knowing the table [Entity_Status_tbl] is kepting to references:
- one to the entity willing to support [Status]
- other to the entity instance specifing a value of [Status].
I want to have the comportment:
1- [Entity_Status_tbl] referes to [Service_tbl] when [entity_id] = to [Entity_tbl].[id] (already known value, let say 75).
2- [Entity_Status_tbl] referes to [Resource_tbl] when [entity_id] = to [Entity_tbl].[id] (already known value, let say 25).
3- All this info will be stored in XML mappings
I hope my additional info could help you to help me.
Best Regards.