Originally posted by Erik Bengtson:
[1] Why don't you try by yourself? If one definitive answer for persistence existed, no one would survive besides it.
This is very true. There's is NO perfect persistence technology and all of them have advantages and disadvantages. You need to keep your options open - even open to the possibility of changing persistence technology during the lifetime of an application (e.g. move from JDO to EJB 3 next year).
You should design your application to ensure that the underlying persistence technology can be changed without affecting the rest of your application (the reason why I recommend using DAOs on top of the technology layer).
Originally posted by Erik Bengtson:
[2] you can try http://www.jpox.org
That's right, I should have listed JPOX as the best open source JDO available at the moment. I just listed Apache because it has good industry support and a brand name so it might be easier to get accepted in a commercial project.