Hi this is edward.
I am using Hibernate with
Struts. And I also using DisplayTags for Display sorting and pagination.
My Doubt is what is the difference between
Query and CreateSQLQuery in Hibernate
Using this query 1.Query query = session.CreateQuery("from AuditFinding") , Using Dispaly Tags I have done Sorting, and Pagination Using the Query list.
But Using the below Query
2.SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select id,shipname,shipcode,fromdate,todate,auditfindingstitle,status,assignedto,priority,updatedby,updateddate from Auditfinding af");,
I was not able to Sorting and Pagination.
Using CreateSQLQuery in hibernate, here all the values are stored in object format.
How can i sort and pagination using displaytags.
Could You tell me what is the problem is.
Thank You