Hi All I have the following mapping file in hibernate
where I am trying to specify relationship of quoteId with another quote_detail table but hibernate is throwing an exception saying that duplicate property name specified
Is there any way we can specify these kind of relationships in hibernate Thanks in advance :roll: [ August 10, 2006: Message edited by: Gaurav Chikara ]
SCJP,SCWCD,SCBCD<br />If Opportunity doesn't knock then build the door
If this is what you are trying to map then QuoteHeaderBO.hbm.xml should have collction mapping for holding multiple QuoteDetailBO that we can define using bag,set ... because you have define many-to-one on both xml but you have not define one-to-many (inside bag/set) in QuoteHeaderBO. That could be the reason hibernate might be confusing.
Your mapping for QuoteHeaderBO should look like this.
roses are red, violets are blue. Some poems rhyme and some are a tiny ad: