Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
OK, add this to your <many-to-one>
insert="false" update="false"
Originally posted by Vijay Chauhan:
Are you sure? All I'm trying to get hibernate to do is recognize the existing foreignKey index and not create a duplicate foreignKey index. The properties you've asked me to add are defined as follows in the hibernate docs;
5.1.10. many-to-one
update, insert (optional - defaults to true) specifies that the mapped columns should be included in SQL UPDATE and/or INSERT statements. Setting both to false allows a pure "derived" association whose value is initialized from some other property that maps to the same colum(s) or by a trigger or other application.
This does not sound like something one would want to happen since i'm guessing the value is not "derieved".
Please advice. Thanks again.
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