Hi Veeresh , ru you still looking for this solution ? If you have please post it
Veeresh Hosur wrote:I have a table called Parent which has one to many relataion with another table CHILD. This CHILD table has one to one relation with GRANDCHILD. I have used generic names to make my problem more clear.
I have a set defined in child.hbm.xml to fetch grandchild
<set name="GrandChildren" inverse="false">
<column name="ID" precision="12" scale="0" />
<column name="ORD_ID" precision="12" scale="0" />
<one-to-many class="com.myapp.GrandChild" />
wheneven i do
Parent parents = getsession.CreateCriteria(Parent.class).add(Restriction.eq("id",ParentId)).uniqueResult();
Set<Child>childrenSet = parents.getChildren();
the children set is populated but the GrandChildren set that i have mapped in CHILD.hbm.xml as i mentioned above is not at all populated.
If i use the hibernate query that i will get in console in SQl Client i was able to see the records for that particular query.
Please help on this