I have a problem- I want to know how i could run a
jsp in a similar fashion
as a
java class is run in the command line. (eg:After compiling a java class
you run the class in the command line passing necessary arguments. How can do
the same thing in a jsp and also appending a WSDL URL location)
My Problem lies here........
I run the java program like this,
java samples.client.DynamicInvoker
http://localhost:8080/axis/services/calculator?wsdl add 2 6
The name of the java class is- DyanamicInvoker.java(the location where this class resides is - samples/client.)
The location of the wsdl file is -
http://localhost:8080/axis/services/CK?wsdl The method name in the web service is - add
the parameters that pass are - 2 and 6
how do i do the samething using a jsp? Please if anyone could help me with
some guidance i'll be very grateful!
thanx in advance,
rgds Kishani.