Consuming a web service from an EJB Hi people, Are there any considerations to take when consuming a Web service from an EJB. I can not think of any really, but would like to ask you guys about your opinion of moving a standalone WS Client to run under an application container? Any �patterns� for clients? Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Well, I was rather talking about WS clients, not their clients . The WS client will consume the service statiscally, and dow not need any fancy stuff. So running the WS client under an EJB container would not need any change?
Originally posted by Tonny Tssagovic: So running the WS client under an EJB container would not need any change?
In most cases, no. However, I could imagine a need for piping access to the web service through an EJB (i.e. the web service is called by calling an EJB instead of calling the static method directly) due to limited number of available sockets etc.
Hi, What happens if the method which consume in the EJB rollback. Can the changes done in the web services be rollback? If not, does using web services within EJB "defeats" the transaction mechanism provide by the container? Best Regards
No, the EJB container does not extend the transaction over the network to the service side. There's a specification called WS-Transaction, but I'm pretty sure it'll take plenty of time before it is included into the EJB specification...