Hi Gurus,
I am using axis+tomcat for creating web services.
I have written a very simple
java class and saved it as Helloserver.jws in D:\Apache\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.3.2\webapps\axis path.
when I use the following in the browser
http://localhost:8080/axis/Helloserver.jws it shows the following:
There is a Web Service here
Click to see the WSDL
But if I click on the link to see WSDL, I can't see it.
Note: Happyaxis.jsp is visible. When I use the following in the browser
http://localhost:8080/axis/services/AdminService?WSDL I can see the the WSDL file.
Why it is not working for my web services?
I am really a new bie in this....please help!
thanks in advance