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Axis and HTTP code = 100

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Hi all,

I need your help here to figure out a problem I'm facing with Axis.

I have an Axis client (version 1.1). It sends a request to a provider, and the provider sends back a response. (Until now, everything is ok and quite simple).
Using TCPMon, I can se the provider sends 2 http response s. First a HTTP 100 (Continue), then a HTTP 200 OK

But my axis client raises an AxisFault while processing the response.
at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.readFromSocket( Code))

Sounds like my Axis client is not able to deal with HTTP 100 (Continue)....

Any idea to solve this problem ???

Thanks in advance
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
after some reserch whithin AXIS source code, it sounds like http 100 (continue) is not really supported by axis if the request had no Expect : 100-continue header.

If this is true (I'm not quite sure), then it is an axis bug, as the http W3c spec mentions a server can return a http 100 status code even if the client had not required it...
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I would like to find a workround to my problem,

Does anybody know how to configure/use the Axis client to have "Expect : 100-continue" in each header request ??
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Workaround 1 :
Send SOAP request in HTTP 1.0, so that the server is not allowed to return a HTTP 100 Continue status.
This is not a good idea as WS-I discourage the use of HTTP 1.0 (1.1 is prefered)

Workaround 2 :
Send the SOAP request with a Expect : 100 -Continue header. Then Axis source code work fine and is able to deal with 100-Continue response

Nevertheless, with W/A 2, you need to enable the Axis chunk mode....
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Thanks for updating Jean
No prison can hold Chairface Chippendale. And on a totally different topic ... my stuff:
a bit of art, as a gift, the permaculture playing cards

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