Dear friends,
I have a question about transfering complex objects between client and server. if I just transfer primitive data type, any language of client side can consume this web service. but how about if I transfer complex object?
for example, in the server side, I use
java to make a bean--bean1, in this bean, there is a variable bean2, it's also a java bean with primitive variables. though WSDL file, I know the complex data type is mapped to primitive data type at last. but I don't know if the client side can consume this web service if it's made by c language or perl language. also, supposing such kind of client side can consume this web service, can the client side transfer back this bean object to server and server can recognize it?
I really confused about this, from theory, web service is platform indepedent, does it mean language indepedent? or conditionally? does there any samples or articles about it?
any hint will be greatly appreciated!