I am trying to install an application to WAS server through
ANT build script.I
kept wsanttask.jar in my ant\lib\. Am running through my local machine which is
on XP and trying to install on WAS server on AIX box. It will be a great help
for me. Thanks. Here is my code in the script : <taskdef name="wsInstallApp"
classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.InstallApplication"/> <wsInstallApp
wasHome="${wasInstallationdir}" ear="${earpath}/ABC.ear"
profile="setupCmdLine.sh" conntype="SOAP" host="hostname" port="xxxx"/> while
running the script am gettiing this message : [echo] installing ear on WAS
server [wsInstallApp] Installing Application [D:\backup\PEXT.ear]... Unable to
parse setupCmdLine: \usr\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (The system
cannot find the path specified) [wsadmin] The
java class is not found:
com/ibm/ws/bootstrap/WSLauncher [wsadmin] Java Result: 1 [wsInstallApp]
Installed Application