You already got two great books in your hand, just get started with them.
>Additionally, a short term goal is to become a Sun Certified Developer >for Java Web Services.
Good luck. We have a separate for it...check here >1) What is the preferred method for web services? JMS, Soap, etc.. Is >it registering your WSDL in some UDDI registry and then creating AXIS >soap clients to do method calls.
Depends, SOAP is widely used for most business cases. You are right,by the way registering a WSDL in UDDI is oneway of publishing webservices to users. wsdl can also be published directly on a website and let users know it.
>2) What is the mostly widely used soap web services toolkit? Apache >AXIS? IBM Soap? etc
For learners Axis is good. there is no IBM you mean IBM WSAD ?
>3) Does anyone know of a tutorial for WSAD 5.1.x that brings you through >creating a web service?
Yes...check the ibm developerworks website, they got every pieces to get started.