I have written a very simple web service on my local machine. Am using
Tomcat w/Apache Axis to implement the same. I coded a very simple *.jws file in the Tomcat webapp directory. The file has two very simple public methods. With Tomcat & Axis, I was able to see the wsdl of the web service on my browser. That said, I started with the client. I generated the stub classes & interfaces (2 each) using the WSDL2Java tool and moved those generated classes in my workspace. Once done, I tried to run my client from the command line (Actually, I am using Eclipse
IDE). The client is able to locate the service but throws a NullPointerException on the Call.Invoke method. ( I see this in the Stacktrace). I checked the Apache Axis docs for troubleshooting and found that it might be the Validation library (Crimson, by default) or the fact that the client and server are both on local server. I downloaded Xerces and referenced it in my project. I just do not understand why there is an issue with the client and the server being on the same local host. Does this mean that if the web service is on a remote machine, I wont run into this issue? Please help.
- Himanshu
PS> I am using the first example from the 'Real web services' book and having this issue.